Try to designe the critical lesson for my future class.
1. How many students? Students : 10 Level : intermediate
2. Age? : Adults
3. Interesting? : Daiy issue or gussipping
4. What meterial you might use? : I might use some video clip or news paper or anecdote which is conneted this issue.

So I would like to bring this situation into my class. And before that I needed to set up my own class for this issue. Eventually I decided to my class level which is intermediate and adults - they might be able to discuss about serious stuff. I’d like to ask some questions to my students and they are going to share their opinions.
1) If your child is being unbearably noisy in the public
transportation, what would you do?
2) If some other passengers scold your child, what would
you do?
3) If some other passengers give piece of their mind to
you about your child’s lack of discipline, what would you do?
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